This is a motherfucking $COIN website.

And it's fucking perfect.

Seriously, what the fuck else do you want in a meme coin?

You probably buy shitcoins and think your bags are special.

You think your 13 megabyte whitepaper is going to get you some fucking Coinmarketcap listing you can brag about on Twitter.

You think your 40-pound smart contract and 83 audits give your holders a boner because it finally has "utility".

Wrong, motherfucker. Let me describe your perfect-ass $COIN:

Well guess what, motherfucker:

You. Are. Over-tokenizing.

Look at this shit. It's a motherfucking meme coin. Why the fuck do you need to create a fucking DAO when I hover over that useless piece of shit?

This is your perfect $COIN. Here's why:

It's fucking lightweight

This entire token contract weighs less than the gas fees on your fucking yield farming protocol.

It's responsive

You dumbass. You thought you needed cross-chain bridges to be responsive, but no. $COIN doesn't care if you're on Ethereum or a motherfucking Solana.

It fucking works

Look at this shit. You can buy it ... that is, if you can use a DEX, motherfucker. It makes sense. It has motherfucking tokenomics.

This is a meme coin. Look at it. You've never seen one before.

Like the man who's never grown out his beard has no idea what his true natural state is, you have no fucking idea what a meme coin is. All you have ever seen are shitty over-engineered bastardizations of what should be a simple fucking token.

This is a real, naked meme coin. Look at it. It's fucking beautiful.